
Pharmacology is the scientific discipline that, in the attempt to improve health and alleviate disease, studies the mechanisms by which drugs alter biological systems. Toxicology is the study of mechanisms by which drugs and chemicals in the environment produce unwanted effects. Together these disciplines encompass the molecular basis of drug action, the actions of drugs on cells, organs, and organisms, genetic variations in drug action, and drug discovery.

The Department of Pharmacology offers teaching and training in pharmacology and toxicology to both undergraduate and post graduate students, who may subsequently go on to exciting research, regulatory and administrative careers in academic, and industrial and healthcare provision settings. In this direction, the department goal is to prepare exceptional students for productive and successful careers in pharmaceutical industry, academia, research and public sectors. The department has centralized animal house approved by CPCSEA (Registration no: 1426/PO/Re/S/2006/CPCSEA) for conducting experiments on Mice, Rats, Guinea Pigs, and Rabbits experimental area is equipped with sophisticated digital instruments for preclinical and toxicological research. 

Department of Pharmacology has two well equipped and furnished laboratories include Human anatomy and physiology lab, Pharmacology lab, and art of infrastructure animal house facility as per CPCSEA norms.

No. of Laboratories: 01: Pharmacology Lab

                                    02:  Human Anatomy and Physiology)

Animal House Facility: 01(as per CPCSEA norms)

Area of each Laboratory:  95 sq.mtrs.

Equipment worth Total: Rs. Approximately 15 lacs


List of Equipment's:

Digital plethysmometer(VJ Instrument), actophotometer

Centrifuge (Remi)

rota-rod apparatus


catalepsy bar test apparatus

tail flick apparatus

elevated linear maze

eddy’s hot plate analgesiometer

elevated zero maze apparatus

pole climb apparatus

elevated plus maze apparatus

Radial arm maze apparatus

Light-Dark box

Morris water maze apparatus

Research Publications: 60

Patent: 01 (filed)

Area of research: The Pharmacology laboratory has facility for advanced research in the field of preclinical Pharmacology. The major research areas include 

Immunopharmacological studies

Toxicological studies

Neuropsychological and behavioral studies

Endocrinal Pharmacology

Phytochemical studies

Infectious diseases.

Funding received: 73,000/-

Conferences/ Workshop organized :01( International conference)

Notable achievement:

Mr. Nitin Dumore Received “Young Faculty Award-2018”by CEGR at Research and innovation summit New Delhi on 21 Dec. 2018.

Mr. Nitin Dumore Received “Best Principal Award” by SRDHS at International Conference on 15 Feb.2018.

Mr. Rohit Gupta perceiving Ph.D. from University of Cambridge, UK. under grant from Jawaharlal Nehru memorial Cambridge International Scholarship.

Dr. Ashish Bharne perceiving post doc. from University of Cambridge, UK.

MoU: 01(DMIMS, Wardha)

E-library content generated in laboratory (Practical manual)