Governing Body

Governing Body

(Revised for Academic Year 2019-20)




Introduction of Members


Shri Manoj V. Balpande

Shri Manoj V. Balpande is reknown athlete who has several records to his credit. He is involved in many social activities and initiated several social projects for the overall development of society as a large. He is President of Ambe Durga Education Society, Nagpur. 


Dr (Mrs.) Ujwala Mahajan

Dr (Mrs.) Ujwala Mahajan has teaching and administrative experience of twenty two years. She has published several research and review papers and attended many national and international conferences, workshops, seminars. 


Shri Umesh V. Balpande

Shri Umesh V. Balpande is a reknown businessman from the region, he is also involved in social activities.


Smt. Vibhatai O. Chafle

Smt. Vibhatai Chafle is known for her selfless contribution in society. She has initiated several social activities for the benefits of society. She is Secretary of Ambe Durga Education Society, Nagpur. 


Shri Girish V. Gadge

Shri Girish V. Gadge is retired Civil Servant who is now involved actively in social activities. He is a passionate athlete trainer and recipient of Chattrapati Award.


Adv. Nishant K. Narnaware

Shri Nishant K. Narnaware is advocate by profession. He is involved in social activities. 


Shri Amar D. Kane

Shri Amar D. Kane is reknown social activist.


Regional Officer

AICTE Nominee


Prof. Dr Prafull Sabale

Dr Prafull Sabale has twenty years of teaching and administrative experience. He is working as Professor at RTM Nagpur University. He has guided several P.G. and Ph. D students, and has published papers in reputed journals.


Dr Nilesh Mahajan

 Dr Nilesh Mahajan is working as Associate Professor, DBCOP. He has published several papers in reputed journals and conferences.


Dr Ajay Pise

Dr Ajay Pise is working as Associate Professor, DBCOP. He has published several papers in reputed journals and conferences.


Role and Responsibilities of Committee:-

  1. To make necessary provisions for resources.
  2. To make necessary provision for quality infrastructure.
  3. To prepare, amend, approve, execute and monitor policies for development of DBCOP.
  4. To set-up different committees for smooth functioning of administrative and academic activities at college.
  5. To formulate feedback mechanism and monitor its functionality.
  6. To monitor and evaluate functioning of administrative and academic committees.
  7. To approve budget for academic year.
  8. To review overall progress of college.