Dadasaheb Balpande  Memorial Award was  organized every year. This whole  year devoted to social work. Founder Day is going to celebrate on 4th April 2019 at Dadasaheb Balpande College of Pharmacy audotorium (Degree/Diploma) in association with Ambe Durga Education Society, Nagpur

This year the award will be  given to social worker for their social work without expecting from socity but work for society different area for Nagpur division for Boost up their morality and appreciations. In the hands of Dr Rao ex. Director NEERI, and director of MGIRI Wardha

For this program Smt. Mayatai Vitthalrao Balpande (Aaisaheb), President Shri Manojji Balpande, Shri Umesh Balpande, Vice-President, Shri Pravin Balpande, Tresurer, Smt. Vibhatai Chafle, Secretary, Ambe Durga Education Society, Nagpur, Mrs. Vaishali M. Balpande, Organizer Dr. Ujwala Mahajan, Principal (Degree) and Mr. Nitin G. Dumore, Principal (Diploma) will be remain present on this memorable event.