Dear Sir/Madam,

Warm greetings from Dadasaheb Balpande College of Pharmacy, Nagpur.

I am very much delighted to announce that DBCOP is going to organize AICTE sponsored Two Days Online National Conference on "Pharma QbD: Product Development Perspective" on 3 - 4 September 2021. Online poster presentation will also held during this conference. 

This will be exuberant deliberation for disseminating knowledge of QbD for Pharma products development. 

It's my pleasure to invite you for this knowledge feast and explore this opportunity to interact with the stalwarts of  this field. 

For free registration you can click on the link:-

Last date of registration:- 25/08/2021


Last date of abstract submission:- 23/08/2021


Program coordinators:-

Dr. Nilesh Mahajan (8600882404)

Dr. Purushottam Gangane (9420338543)


Confirmation of your registration will be sent to your registered email ID 


Certificate will be issued after filling the attendance and feedback link provided after the program.


I expect your enthusiastic participation in this mega scientific conclave. 


Dr. Ujwala Mahajan, 

Principal, DBCOP,

Besa, Nagpur - 440037